Pe scurt ideea este să scădem cu orice scop LDL colestrolul, chiar cu riscul unor reacții adverse medicamentoase semnificative.
Pentru că tratăm efectul și nu cauza vom avea o creștere a mortalității prin boli cardiovasculare.
Sunt de apreciat că se iau în calcul și alte investigații pentru aprecierea riscului cum ar fi gradul de calcifiere al arterelor coronare, lipoproteina a(Lpa) și apoB.
Dar cel mai tare mă doare declarația unui domn doctor din comisie, care zice că, deși nu sunt susținute de studii randomizate aceste ghiduri, ei cred că e cea mai bună abordare.
Îmi vine să plâng....
These guidelines really validate these approaches to risk-stratify patients and personalize therapies, so that's a big conceptual change," Bhatt said. "I'm sure there will be some who object as there aren't randomized supporting data, but in reality, patients want these tests and in many cases are getting them anyway,These guidelines really validate these approaches to risk-stratify patients and personalize therapies, so that's a big conceptual change," Bhatt said. "I'm sure there will be some who object as there aren't randomized supporting data, but in reality, patients want these tests and in many cases are getting them anyway, so the horse is already out of the barn. We might as well try and figure out how we can incorporate them into our treatment algorithms in ways that are guideline supported. I do think this will be embraced," he added. so the horse is already out of the barn. We might as well try and figure out how we can incorporate them into our treatment algorithms in ways that are guideline supported. I do think this will be embraced," he added.
Dr. Mirabela Cașcaval